Saturday, November 7, 2009

Race Day..

Good morning....its 407am and its time to get it done!! Windy but pretty....I will keep you posted!!! My prayer is in 19 hours I will be logging on and saying that I am an Ironman!!! As always...Ill keep you posted!!! Pray for me its time to just perform!!!


Lani said...

Praying, tracking, waiting, know you can do this :)

Irene Odell said...

Yay!...good first lap in the gulf!

Marci said...

I thought it was Sun... OK I am sending you positive vibes all day!! Have a great race!!

Julie said...

Sending good wishes as I track you today!

LauraLynne said...

I've been quietly reading along for over a year now - and I'm following you today and shouting in my living room to cheer you on. You won't get this until after you finish but I wanted you to know just how big your support group is.
Laura - Seattle, WA

Sarah K said...

Another silent supporter here. I've been following you on BT and have been cheering for you all day. No matter what's happening out there on the course, you have the heart of an Ironman.

Irene Odell said...

You're my hero girl. I dream of having your kind of courage and fortitude.