Monday, April 20, 2009

Thanks Sara... St. Anthony's..just 6 days away

Now this was the way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Last week, my training partner Beth had informed me of a Swim Clinic at the National Training Center in Clermont. The coach? The one...the only..Sara McLarty..NCAA All American, and World Cup ITU Pro Triathlete. In this two hour swim clinic, I learned so much!! It was absolutely amazing!! Thanks Sara for the great info!!

Got St. Anthony's on the brain. In the next few days, it is my goal to eat well, hydrate, taper and rest. My goal is to PR this race. Hector set the bar pretty high for this high that I am not even going to put the finish time he wants me to shoot for here. Lets just say its a big jump from last year.

Positive thoughts...positive thoughts...positive thoughts!!!



You will do great. I am sure the weather will be fantastic also.
See you there.

DLDancer said...


Sarah said...

You can do this. St. A's is flat, and there is some great shade on the run course. I had a blast there last year. I just read a great post by Bree Wee where she talked about making peace with the pain and working through it. Just try to push past it all and think about how great it will feel to hit your super secret goal!