Triathletes are very serious!! "A" type personalities driven to achieve a goal. That doesn't make them bad...that just makes them...well..driven.
I have spent the last few weeks wringing my hands...worrying about cut off times, nutrition, bike parts, MY parts, what to wear, if Ill get kicked in the swim, if Ill make it at all....
...and then...I got this email .. from a Beginner member...
"I know that you're likely going to be flirting with some of the cutoffs on race day so one of the important things to set out now is to prepare your mind. Remember what it was about the Ironman that made you want to do it. Don't think about how you feel now, think about how you felt when you signed up. Think about how you felt when you first got the idea to dip your toe into the Ironman pool. Even go back to how you felt when you were finishing your first triathlon. See the imagery? Remember that excitement? Remember the nervousness you felt the first time you stood on a beach before a race. Those are the feelings that you want to stow away and bring out on race day. Those are the mental pictures that will get you through 140.6 miles. They say "Never expose yourself to the race too early" "Don't let your emotions overpower you before the race." Emotions require energy and you'll need every ounce of energy you can muster on race day.
Melissa: Relax. Breathe. Be calm. You've only got a few more weeks to go..and Ill see you in PCB.
WOW!! Someone took the time to write that to me. They took the time to calm my fears and remind me this is suppose to be FUN!! Remember?? Its a hobby. Its not life or death. They aren't going to take my house if I don't finish.
As for my other update: I only made it 12 miles in my run. All under cut off time (which makes me happy) but I will be attempting another 20 mile run on Thursday. For now, my hubby is home from work (he is an airline pilot) so I am going to enjoy some much needed time with him until he leaves on Wednesday night!!
In with the good air...out with the nervous air!!!
That's cool that you got that email. I post on BT and there are some really great folks that post there. I'm hoping to be able to follow the race on-line, so if you are comfortable posting your bib #, I'll watch for you. You've done the training - now you just have to trust that training. I'm sure you will be fine.
oooooh I'm getting excited for you. I tried to stay away from the race hype as much as I could. Relax.... you will be fine.
Congrats on making it this far - that is a big feat in itself.
you can do it...have faith. know that you have put the training in and you will enjoy your day.
Whoa..good luck to you, i'll be there too!
You have the desire and that will get you through....
See you at IMFL!
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