Monday, November 3, 2008

Laying out the plans for the future....

It is not the critic who counts;
Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles,
or where the doer of deeds could have done better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
Whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood,
Who strives valiantly;
Who errs and comes up short again and again;
Because there is not effort without error and shortcomings;
But who does actually strive to do the deed;
Who knows the great enthusiasm,
The great devotion,
Who spends himself in a worthy cause,
Who at the best knows in the end the triumph
And who at the worst, if he fails, 
At least he fails while daring greatly.
So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls
Who shall never know neither victory nor defeat.
-Teddy Roosevelt

As we drove home from Panama City, my good friend Rick read me this quote from a Triathlon book he was reading.  "Missey-thats YOU" That entire quote is about you.  You know what its like to success...and you know what its like to fail.  I didn't really want to hear this quote today. I want to stay positive and focused on my goal without the focus being on those letters I hate so much .... DNF.

But I forced myself to look at the results on  I made myself see my name and those letters.  I think its important to understand and feel that disappointment.  Now its time to fix what's broken.

You should see my email box.  I am so very blessed and honored that so many people found my story inspiring.  I have two organizations that work with Gastric Bypass patients that want me to come speak to their members.  I have several triathletes offering their advice on nutrition.  I have had so many people sending "virtual hugs".  I am honored beyond words.  So many people that don't know me at all that care so much.

So..since my story is now public record (over 4000 people have viewed it on youtube and more on Ironmanlive), I figured Id put out there my plan for the next few months.

I need to drop some more tonnage.

You would think that losing 200lbs would be enough...but Im still 180.  I need to drop 60 pounds to be in my goal weight range.  In the next six months as I am doing my off season training, my focus will be on getting close to that weight loss goal of 120lbs.  Don't you think Mike Reilley would be shocked to see me next year as a size 4 or 6 instead of a size 14/16!!!

Don't worry. I plan to do this the smart way.  For now, I am joining Weight Watchers.  After the first of the year, I will switch to a sports nutritionist as my training will get more intense.  

Consider this my "Biggest Loser to Ironman Challenge".


Lani said...

Melissa - I am posting my email address on BT for you. PLEASE email me when you can. I work for WW, lost my weight with them, etc. Best program out there for losing weight, but not all leaders know the demands of tri training and how to best advise you to succeed while losing weight.

The Traveling Yogi said...

You go girl!!!

Coach Bill said...

Missy - I know hector is coaching you but if you want to come swim in the a.m. - I am hosting/coaching an adult swim workout every T and Th at WP YMCA - 6:00a - the workouts have been great (I am using them to get back in swim shape for next year)

Sarah said...

Girl, I'm right there with you. I'd love to work together on this goal. I will be there to cheer for you in PCB and it's my goal to drop 45 before I start training for Ironman next year.

TJ said...

Just found your blog. Will be following along as you prepare to get redemption in 09.
See you in Florida!

ShirleyPerly said...

Way to pick yourself back up!

I agree 100% about the importance in understanding and feeling the disappointment. My DNF has taught me much more than any successful race finish has ever taught me, and I'm sure it will actually still mean more to me than finishing an IM. The latter would just be another notch in my belt, the DNF is like a new buckle making me stronger.